Título [Outro Idioma]: The role of educative division in museums : analysis of the literature around education in museums (1987 to 2006) and the experience of the museum of life
Autor(es): Maria Iloni Seibel Machado
Palavras-chave [PT]: Pratica de ensino , Museus - Aspectos educacionais , Ciencias - Museu
Titulação: Doutor em Ciencias
Banca: Maria Margaret Lopes [Orientador], Maria Conceição da Costa, Adriana Mortara Almeida, Marilia Xavier Cury e Carlos Alberto Lobão da Silveira Cunha
Esta tese tem
por objetivo explicitar as abordagens pedagógicas e o papel do setor
educativo nos museus, a partir da análise de literatura que trata de
educação em museus, incluindo teses e dissertações defendidas entre 1987
e 2006 no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. Parte do
pressuposto de que a prática educativa é uma prática intencionalizada e,
como tal, atende a interesses e cumpre objetivos específicos voltados
para determinados públicos - de acordo com o contexto e momento
histórico em questão. Inicialmente busca situar o setor educativo em
diferentes momentos da história dos museus, onde aparece como um setor
específico criado para atender o público escolar sobremaneira. As
funções que lhe foram atribuídas se traduzem em ações e atividades que
acabam se tornando a "marca registrada" da atuação do setor educativo em
diferentes tipos de museus, que é referenciada em princípios
político-pedagógicos que
tendem a corresponder àqueles que informam o sistema de ensino e a
ideologia dominante nos diferentes momentos históricos - na maioria das
vezes não explicitados. Apresenta um panorama geral das teses e
dissertações selecionadas com informações sobre as instituições em que
foram defendidas, bem como a formação dos autores, os temas abordados,
os objetivos propostos, a metodologia de pesquisa e os referenciais
teóricos que orientam os estudos. Examina alguns desses trabalhos que,
entre outros aspectos, referem-se à questão pedagógica e ao papel do
educativo, com o intuito de explicitar as abordagens pedagógicas e
identificar contribuições e lacunas. Deste modo, foi possível rever a
experiência de coordenar o processo de estruturação do setor educativo
do Museu da Vida, e formular novas questões e reflexões, sinalizando
possibilidades e limites desse setor para desenvolver, no museu de
ciências, uma prática educativa transformadora
Abstract: This thesis aims to bring up pedagogic approaches as well as the role of educative division in museums, coming from the analysis of the literature around education in museums, including thesis and dissertations presented between 1987 and 2006 in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. It comes from the presuppose that educative practice is intentionalized, and, thus, lives up to interests and also intends for specific aims which are focused on some audiences - according to context and historical moment in question. Initially, it aims to situate the educative area in different moments of museums history, where appears as a specific place created to supply the scholar people overall. Functions them attributed stand for actions and activities which becomes the hallmark of educative area in different kinds of museums, referenced on political-pedagogic principles, tending to correspond to whose that inform system of learning and main ideology throughout various historical moments - most of times non-explicit ones. It features a general overview on thesis and dissertations selected with information about institutions where them were presented, as well as authors' formation, selected themes, proposed objectives, research methodology and theory references that guide studies. Some of those works which, among others, refers to pedagogical issue are looked over in order to makes visible pedagogical approaches, as well as identify gaps and contributions. This way, it was possible to coordinate process of educative building of Museu da Vida and thus formulate new questions and thinking, in order to develop a transforming educative practice in science museum.
Abstract: This thesis aims to bring up pedagogic approaches as well as the role of educative division in museums, coming from the analysis of the literature around education in museums, including thesis and dissertations presented between 1987 and 2006 in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. It comes from the presuppose that educative practice is intentionalized, and, thus, lives up to interests and also intends for specific aims which are focused on some audiences - according to context and historical moment in question. Initially, it aims to situate the educative area in different moments of museums history, where appears as a specific place created to supply the scholar people overall. Functions them attributed stand for actions and activities which becomes the hallmark of educative area in different kinds of museums, referenced on political-pedagogic principles, tending to correspond to whose that inform system of learning and main ideology throughout various historical moments - most of times non-explicit ones. It features a general overview on thesis and dissertations selected with information about institutions where them were presented, as well as authors' formation, selected themes, proposed objectives, research methodology and theory references that guide studies. Some of those works which, among others, refers to pedagogical issue are looked over in order to makes visible pedagogical approaches, as well as identify gaps and contributions. This way, it was possible to coordinate process of educative building of Museu da Vida and thus formulate new questions and thinking, in order to develop a transforming educative practice in science museum.
Data de Defesa: 22-01-2009
Local de Publicação: Campinas, SP
Orientador: Maria Margaret Lopes
Instituição: Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Instituto de Geociências
Nível: Tese (doutorado)
UNICAMP: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências
Local de Publicação: Campinas, SP
Orientador: Maria Margaret Lopes
Instituição: Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Instituto de Geociências
Nível: Tese (doutorado)
UNICAMP: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências
Para fazer download na tese de Iloni Seibel, clique em http://www.bibliotecadigital.unicamp.br/document/?code=000442586&fd=y
Para acessar o Jornal do Museu da Vida (edição16) sobre Iloni Seibel e o projeto educativo na Fiocruz clique em http://www.appai.org.br/Jornal_Educar/jornal16/ciencias/museu.htm
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